While not a requirement, applicants are encouraged to have an accelerator partner. NHLBI expects applicants to pursue fundraising to increase the likelihood that the technologies will advance to the marketplace.
Small businesses may seek support from the SBIR Program NHLBI Small Business Program | NHLBI, NIH.
Either academic PIs or accelerator partners may apply, but the applicant must ensure the support of a specific suitable development team to support the technology.
Accelerator Partner Definition
- Accelerator Partners are commercialization experts working as development partners with innovators whose projects are funded through the Catalyze program. Accelerator Partners help innovator-researchers achieve the necessary multidisciplinary approach for developing technologies. Accelerator Partners provide skills development and mentoring to enable innovator-researchers to assess the medical and commercial potential of their projects. They also help advance the proposed projects to a stage suitable to continue product development in the private sector or to apply for support through the NHLBI Catalyze Preclinical or other translational programs.
- Accelerator Partners do this by connecting innovator-researchers with people such as:
- experienced entrepreneurs and scientists, including those who can facilitate interactions with businesses, industries, sources of private capital, and research-performing institutions
- potential licensing and commercialization partners who can offer advice soon after the researcher gets an award
- ecosystem partners, such as those from biotechnology or pharmaceutical companies, who are knowledgeable about the process for developing therapeutics, devices, and diagnostics
- experts such as clinicians and biostatisticians who are familiar with how the desired product should look to meet vested shared interests
- potential partners who have complementary development expertise and resources for successful project development
Accelerator Partners Expectations
- Accelerator partners are encouraged to provide access to expertise and mentoring related to: product development stages, business development and commercialization strategy, market analysis, preparation of regulatory submissions, intellectual property protection, and reimbursement strategy. Awardees are highly encouraged to use Accelerator Partners for this kind of career development, as these experts can facilitate exposure to the myriad processes required to translate discoveries into therapies.
- Applicants are expected to consider how they will identify and foster relationships with Accelerator Partners. At least one Accelerator Partner is required for the R33 portion of the phased awards and the R33 only awards. An Accelerator Partner is not required for RFA-HL-23-010.
- For phased awards, awardees will be expected to search for an Accelerator Partner early in the R61 phase. For phased awards, proof of an Accelerator partner is not required at the time of application; however, evidence that an Accelerator Partner has been identified must be provided to NIH in the form of a letter of support prior to the meeting of the NHLBI committee that will decide whether an awardee will transition from the R61 to the R33 award. Transition from R61 to R33 is contingent on procurement of an Accelerator.