FAQ - Product Definition

Product Definition Funding Support

  • The NHLBI Catalyze program provides a comprehensive suite of support and services to facilitate the translation of basic scientific discoveries into viable therapeutics, devices, and diagnostics ready for human testing.
  • The program has two main goals:
    • To drive development of new potential heart, lung, blood, and sleep (HLBS)-related therapies and cures — including drugs, devices, diagnostics, and biologics — by supporting early product definition studies and safety testing
    • To support development of novel, enabling platform technologies that catalyze next-generation predictive, diagnostic, and therapeutic products. These products will specifically address HLBS-related disorders and diseases.
    • To train a diverse, globally competitive biomedical workforce that is well-versed in scientific research, technology development, and entrepreneurship
  • Currently, the Catalyze program supports five funding opportunities, and their funding mechanisms differ in their budget limits, cost sharing expectations, application materials, and project period.
  • This funding supports three overall categories of product development and preclinical research:
    • Therapeutics (small molecules and biologics)
    • Devices, diagnostics, and research tools
    • Enabling technologies and transformative platforms